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Re: pop3 config question to avoid duplicate messages

* Laran Evans <lc278@xxxxxxxxxxx> :
[top posting fixed]
> Charles Cazabon wrote:
> >Laran Evans <lc278@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> >>I'm using pop3 to get mail. I'd like to keep copies on the
> >>server.  I would also like to avoid pulling down duplicate
> >>messages. Is there a way to do this, perhaps using message ids
> >>or something?
> >
> >getmail can do this.  Many mutt users prefer to use an external
> >mail retrieval agent, rather than the built-in POP3 code.
> Well, the wierd thing is that I was using fetchmail. I have
> fetchmail -> procmail -> mutt. I have a hunch that after sorting
> the messages into mailboxes fetchmail didn't recognize that the
> messages had been downloaded. Is there any validity to that?

Can't you do this directly within fetchmail?  That's what I do.

Something like this in your ~/.fetchmailrc :

poll mail.examle.com with proto POP3
  user 'lc278' there with password 'sekrit' is 'laran' here
  options keep

The options keep part leaves messages on server, and fetchmail won't
fetch them unless you run it with the "-F" flush option (man page).

Troy Piggins - Been a novice linux user since 1998
             - When do I become an expert?
RedHat 9: mutt 1.5.9i, procmail 3.22, postfix 2.2.4, slrn,
          vim 6.1, kernel 2.4.20-31.9