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Re: pop3 config question to avoid duplicate messages

On Sat, Jul 30, 2005 at 12:06:24PM +1000, Troy Piggins wrote:
> Something like this in your ~/.fetchmailrc :
> poll mail.examle.com with proto POP3
>   user 'lc278' there with password 'sekrit' is 'laran' here
>   options keep
> The options keep part leaves messages on server, and fetchmail won't
> fetch them unless you run it with the "-F" flush option (man page).

That's true, but fetchmail will leave all your messages ON the server
until you use the -F flag. And then it will download all messages from
the server, and now you have duplicates in your inbox. 

Getmail, on the other hand, can be set up to leave messages on the
sserver for a specified number of days, say 10 days, and then delete
any messages on the server older than 10 days. And, it will only
download messages *it has seen* ONCE. Thank you Charles!!!