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Re: w3m can't show html mail with charset: gb2312

bxuefeng wrote:
> Bob Proulx wrote:
> Do you get messages in html format? If so what is your html viewer and your
> setting in mailcap?

In general all of the HTML email I receive is spam and gets filed into
a caughtspam folder.  So, no, I don't have a working example of w3m
rendering Chinese for html email.  But I appear to be able to render
non-html email correctly natively in mutt and an xterm.

> > Saying that in the subject chinese words are rendered correctly
> > implies that non-html messages render correctly.  Is that true?
> > Because mutt runs in a terminal it is important that the terminal use
> > a font that renders these characters correctly. 
> This is a good point. I know for sure that konsole in which I am using mutt
> supports Chinese very well. As I can read Chinese in konsole quite
> painlessly. 

That supports the other subthread discussion.  The characters are not
specifying any particular encoding but are getting displayed by the
default encoding.

> At this stage I think I have solved terminal/w3m issue. That is by adding -I
> encoding (in my case gb2312) to force w3m render document in gb2312 format. 

Good.  However that seems to be insufficient in the general case
because not all html will be gb2312 encoded.

> What still racks me is: If charset is not set either in Subject or in Body 
> of the message, and even worse, Content-Type is not set, I just got this kind
> of display again: 

In the other subthread I think you are getting good advice from Haizi
Zheng on this problem.
