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Re: w3m can't show html mail with charset: gb2312

On 23:26 Tue 19 Jul     , Bob Proulx wrote:
> phyrster@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > I am using mutt 1.5.9i in a debian sarge system. 
> > My locale: is en_US.UTF-8. 
> Me too.  I am able to view many unicode characters.  (I do not speak
> Chinese but can see many characters that appear Chinese to me in
> messages.)

Do you get messages in html format? If so what is your html viewer and your
setting in mailcap?

> Saying that in the subject chinese words are rendered correctly
> implies that non-html messages render correctly.  Is that true?
> Because mutt runs in a terminal it is important that the terminal use
> a font that renders these characters correctly. 

This is a good point. I know for sure that konsole in which I am using mutt
supports Chinese very well. As I can read Chinese in konsole quite

>Knowing this would be
> useful to determine if the problem is on the terminal/mutt side or on
> the terminal/w3m side.

At this stage I think I have solved terminal/w3m issue. That is by adding -I
encoding (in my case gb2312) to force w3m render document in gb2312 format. 

What still racks me is: If charset is not set either in Subject or in Body 
of the message, and even worse, Content-Type is not set, I just got this kind
of display again: 

To: phyrster@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: monamant@xxxxxxxxxxx\265\304\327Զ\257\273\330\320\305


Temporarily, w3m problem is solved by forcing message be
rendered in gb2312 mode. 

What really want to know is that when dealing with NON-html messages, how to
force mutt to display Subject, Body in charset I set?

