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Re: w3m can't show html mail with charset: gb2312

phyrster@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> I am using mutt 1.5.9i in a debian sarge system. 
> My locale: is en_US.UTF-8. 

Me too.  I am able to view many unicode characters.  (I do not speak
Chinese but can see many characters that appear Chinese to me in

> When I receive html messages with charset:gb2312, the body of the message can
> not be correctly displayed. All chinese words appear garbled. The message
> subject and English words, though, are shown correctly. 

Saying that in the subject chinese words are rendered correctly
implies that non-html messages render correctly.  Is that true?
Because mutt runs in a terminal it is important that the terminal use
a font that renders these characters correctly.  Knowing this would be
useful to determine if the problem is on the terminal/mutt side or on
the terminal/w3m side.

The use of w3m as a third program adds additional complexity because
now all of fonts need to be installed, the terminal needs to use those
fonts, mutt needs to understand this and w3m also needs to understand

Can you save the html to a file and use w3m to view the file outside
of mutt?  If that fails then you have a smaller test case to work
through the font problems.  I do not know if w3m is UTF-8 capable.  I
am guessing that w3m is not fully UTF-8 capable.  In fact I tried some
tests and I could not make it work for me.  You may have to take that
problem to a w3m specific list.
