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Re: Solved: Inline PGP message and x-action woes

G'day David,

* David T-G <davidtg-muttusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [040802 13:15]:
> Good; you beat me to the answer of "don't use this".  When it was the
> only choice it wasn't utterly terrible but was still bad, but now that
> mutt knows directly how to handle traditional PGP it's just not a Good
> Thing.  If your charset problems weren't enough to steer you away frmo it
> forever (or for those of you finding this message in the archives in the
> future... hello out there!), see the archives for more discussion on why
> this should, like hydrogen for dirigibles, be relegated to the past.

Ah.  Thanks for pointing this out.  I'd not bothered reading the
PGP/GPG notes in a while so I'd missed the suggestion.  I hadn't run
into this problem as all my mail is effectively latin1 (iso-8859-1 in
modern parlance) so the procmail recipe worked anyway.

I've learnt something today.  Time to go home before my brain

> HTH & HAND & Welcome to the pack :-)

Sending a pun as bad as that means that I will need to roll up a
newspaper and smack you on the nose!



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