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Re: Solved: Inline PGP message and x-action woes

Michael, et al --

...and then michael@xxxxxxxxxxxx said...
% The procmail recipe from PGP-Notes.txt didn't play well with charsets,
% so I had to throw that back out... (Since I get a *lot* of non-English

Good; you beat me to the answer of "don't use this".  When it was the
only choice it wasn't utterly terrible but was still bad, but now that
mutt knows directly how to handle traditional PGP it's just not a Good
Thing.  If your charset problems weren't enough to steer you away frmo it
forever (or for those of you finding this message in the archives in the
future... hello out there!), see the archives for more discussion on why
this should, like hydrogen for dirigibles, be relegated to the past.

HTH & HAND & Welcome to the pack :-)

David T-G
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/      Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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