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Solved: Inline PGP message and x-action woes

2004-07-30 10:47, svwright+lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote in 
>> reason. gpg won't accept my passphrase even if spoon-fed when using
>> check-traditional-pgp. :( It wouldn't surprise me if it's something in
>> my configuration...
> Hmm...  Not sure about that one.  The "upgrades are good" suggestion
> would be to move to a GPG with the gpg-agent, however as I don't use

Actually, it was something in my mutt-gpg configuration. I replaced my
~/.mutt.gpg (where I have collected all the GPG-related settings for
mutt) with the gpg.rc provided in the source code tree, made the
necessary adjustments [especially important since I have several
secret keys, and they *have* to be kept separate] and now things seem
to be working the way I want them to, with the pgp-auto-decode patch
applied and enabled.

Of course, and quite like one would expect knowing my luck, the patch
didn't apply cleanly at first. It wasn't too hard to apply manually,
though, and I submitted a new patch against the 2004-07-27 CVS, hoping
that it might help some other poor fellow.

The procmail recipe from PGP-Notes.txt didn't play well with charsets,
so I had to throw that back out... (Since I get a *lot* of non-English
mails, charset preservation is very important.) Anyway, things seem to
be working the way I want them to, now. Let's hope they keep doing

Thanks to everyone who helped!

/"\ Michael Kjörling - michael@xxxxxxxxxxxx - SM0YBY QTH JO89XI  ^..^
\ / OpenPGP: 3723 9372 c245 d6a8 18a6 36ac 758f 8749  BDE9 ADA6   \/
 X  World Wide Web: http://michael.kjorling.com/      Facta non verba
/ \ ASCII Ribbon Campaign: Against HTML Mail, Proprietary Attachments

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