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Re: Attribution with UTC time?

Hello michael@xxxxxxxxxxxx!

You wrote on 2004-07-27 23:18:08 +0200:
> > set date_format="!%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"
> > set attribution='\nHello %n!\n\nYou wrote on %d:'"
> That's not what I want... that prints the time zone ("+0200" in this
> particular case), but I want the time zone offset to be added or
> subtracted (as appropriate) from the message's time stamp, when the
> time is displayed.
As long as i understand strftime(3) correctly (on which date_format
is depending), there's no way to do what you need within mutt.

With kind regards,

        Frank Altpeter

FA-RIPE - racoon@IRCNET - 6133423@ICQ
Member of the Open Business Club - http://www.openbc.com/
|Wer nicht auf den äußeren Schein blickt, erkennt in allem das zeitlose Sein.
|       -- Lao Tse, Tao Te King, ca. 500 v. Chr.

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