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Re: Attribution with UTC time?

2004-07-27 22:22, frank@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote in 
>> Is it possible to use a message's UTC date and time in the quote
>> attribution (and perhaps index display as well)? I did R the FM and
> set date_format="!%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"
> set attribution='\nHello %n!\n\nYou wrote on %d:'"
> I'm not sure if that's what you wanted, but i HTH :-)

That's not what I want... that prints the time zone ("+0200" in this
particular case), but I want the time zone offset to be added or
subtracted (as appropriate) from the message's time stamp, when the
time is displayed.

Consider two messages: the first has a timestamp of 19:30:00 +0200,
where subtracting the +0200 makes for 17:30:00 +0000. The second has a
timestamp of 11:31:00 -0600, or 17:31:00 +0000.

Using a "%H:%M" style format for the time, these messages show up with
times of 19:30 and 11:31 (19:30 +0200 and 11:31 -0600 if one appends
the %Z qualifier). I would like these timestamps to be printed as
17:30 and 17:31, with an implicit "%Z" == "+0000" (UTC).

There is the conversion to the local time zone (presumably - I haven't 
looked at the source code - based on the TZ environment variable). 
What I am looking for is a way to do pretty much the same thing, but 
for TZ=UTC, without altering the TZ environment variable.

Pouring over the manual didn't do much to enlighten me...

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