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Re: Attribution with UTC time?

Hello michael@xxxxxxxxxxxx!

You wrote on 2004-07-27 20:15:03 +0200:
> Is it possible to use a message's UTC date and time in the quote
> attribution (and perhaps index display as well)? I did R the FM and
> see that %[] converts to the local time zone, but there is nothing for
> those who want to use UTC instead of someone's (even one's own) local
> time.
> If I am missing something glaringly obvious please feel free to point
> it out.
Mine above is the following:

set date_format="!%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"
set attribution='\nHello %n!\n\nYou wrote on %d:'"

I'm not sure if that's what you wanted, but i HTH :-)

With kind regards,

        Frank Altpeter

FA-RIPE - racoon@IRCNET - 6133423@ICQ
Member of the Open Business Club - http://www.openbc.com/
|Hoch 'ebmey tIjon.
|       -- Klingonisches Sprichwort