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Re: burst digests?

On Sun, Jan 25, 2004 at 03:24:29AM -0500 or thereabouts, David Yitzchak Cohen 
> On Thu, Jan 22, 2004 at 02:47:03PM EST, Stephen wrote:


> IIRC, Claris Emailer didn't do threading, so it could care less about
> getting the IRT or references headers right.  You can do the same in
> Mutt with a small filter, like metamutt, but set up to read Yahoo!'s
> digest format instead of the digest format used in Mutt lists (ezmlm?).

Actually, I *think* it did. There were several versions of Emailer, (I'm
referring to the commercial client, not the free lite version).
Maybe not true threading, tho. It's been 5 years, anyway, since I last used 

It was considered one of the better of all the GUI clients, I don't
recall it having any issues with reference headers.


> > Thing is, I couldn't get this to work. Anyone have suggestions, and
> > should it in fact work?
> As I said, I don't know if metamutt was designed to work with
> Yahoo! Groups. . .

OK, but I can't get it run, so don't know if it's bursts Yahoo mail
properly. Yahoo seems to use two double lines to show the end/start of a
new message, in their digests.

> > I understand that Emacs will do this quite handily. ;)
> Yeah, emacs will do everything but your dishes, since after all it
> contains everything but the kitchen sink.  However, a minor problem is
> that emacs is also a really good /dev/null(4) emulator (implemented in
> pure EMACS LISP, of course - a language that knows the value of everything
> but the cost of nothing) for system resources, so your CPU can quickly
> sink into obsolescence.  Seriously, though, did somebody bother to get
> emacs parsing Yahoo! Groups digests correctly?

Yeah, I've heard the 'Kitchen Sink' argument invoked often in Emacs/Vi
discussions. ;)

"You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the
best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss
hold the Americas Cup, France is accusing the US of arrogance, Germany
doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are
named 'Bush', 'Dick', and 'Colon'"