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Re: buffy-cycle doesn't show imap folders?

On Tue, Nov 18 2003 at 08:40:46PM BRST, Allister MacLeod <amacleod@xxxxxxxx> 
> On Tue, Nov 18, 2003 at 05:21:18PM -0200, Rodrigo Bernardo Pimentel wrote:
> >         Accessing the servers is fine, although there could be a
> > configuration like "folder-alias", so I didn't have to type
> > "imaps://...../INBOX" everytime (I'd try and write a patch, but I still
> > haven't received a single response from developers to my last one about the
> > list-mail function, which I've found pretty handy).
> Could you be a little more specific about your configuration?  On my
> machines, I have 'set folder=imaps://amacleod@mailhost/INBOX', which
> works fine for me to type in, for example, '=LISTS.mutt' or '=spam' as
> mailboxes for change-folder and save-message prompts.  I use Courier

        I'm sorry, the bit about "folder-alias" was just a thought, it might
have come out confusing. My primary folder is not an IMAP mailbox, it's a
local Maildir. But, when I have to access any external IMAP folders, I have
to type "imaps://server.net/INBOX" or something like that. I suggested above
that there could be something like a "folder-alias" that let me map
"imaps://server.net/INBOX" to, say, "server", or "@server", whatever, to
save typing. That would make it easier to access several imap folders in
different servers.

        But, again, that wasn't the topic of my message, pay no notice at it
(for the moment :)

> Regarding your list-mail patch, it sounds pretty neat. 

        Thanks :)

> Personally,
> I'm pretty satisfied to use the <mail> function and type in mutt-users
> (or whatever) by hand.

        So was I, before I had the patch. But it's turned out incredibly
helpful :)

> Perhaps many mutt developers feel the same way
> and haven't looked closely at your patch yet.  If I have some spare
> moments and remember to do so, I might review your code and give you
> my thoughts and comments, however misguided those might be :^)

        Thanks :)

        I have to say, I posted my patch along a thread about that
functionality, that started in mutt-users. I'll post a more proper message,
with "[patch]" in the header and a clear explanation of what it does. That
might catch their attention :)

> >         Anyway, the problem is, I put "imaps://.../INBOX" in my "mailboxes"
> > configuration, but buffy-cycle completely ignores it, even when there's new
> > e-mail there (and when I've just accessed the imap folder and checked the
> > new message was there).
> >         I googled a few post of people saying they put the imap folder in
> > their "mailboxes" configuration and it worked, I don't know if I'm doing
> > something wrong or if this has been pulled out (maybe a configuration
> > variable I didn't find?).
> >         Any thoughts?
> Well, I've had a sporadic problem of my INBOX showing 0 new messages
> in the mailboxes view.  I think the reason for this is the way I enter
> the view on mutt startup.  That is, I have 'push
> "<change-folder>?<toggle-mailboxes>"' at the end of my .muttrc.

        Yeah, this shows 0 messages in my imap folder as well. But I'm not
even typing ? after <change-folder>, I'm typing <space> to cycle through
mailboxes with new mail. Perhaps the cause for both behaviours is the same,
but I still can't see why mutt doesn't know there's new mail in my imap
folder, even when it's listed in "mailboxes" and I've just left the imap
folder with new mail.

 Rodrigo Bernardo Pimentel                         <rbp@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
 http://isnomore.net                          GPG KeyId: <0x0DB14978>

          -- Largo, www.megatokyo.com