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Re: buffy-cycle doesn't show imap folders?

On Tue, Nov 18, 2003 at 05:21:18PM -0200, Rodrigo Bernardo Pimentel wrote:
>         Accessing the servers is fine, although there could be a
> configuration like "folder-alias", so I didn't have to type
> "imaps://...../INBOX" everytime (I'd try and write a patch, but I still
> haven't received a single response from developers to my last one about the
> list-mail function, which I've found pretty handy).

Could you be a little more specific about your configuration?  On my
machines, I have 'set folder=imaps://amacleod@mailhost/INBOX', which
works fine for me to type in, for example, '=LISTS.mutt' or '=spam' as
mailboxes for change-folder and save-message prompts.  I use Courier

Regarding your list-mail patch, it sounds pretty neat.  Personally,
I'm pretty satisfied to use the <mail> function and type in mutt-users
(or whatever) by hand.  Perhaps many mutt developers feel the same way
and haven't looked closely at your patch yet.  If I have some spare
moments and remember to do so, I might review your code and give you
my thoughts and comments, however misguided those might be :^)

>         Anyway, the problem is, I put "imaps://.../INBOX" in my "mailboxes"
> configuration, but buffy-cycle completely ignores it, even when there's new
> e-mail there (and when I've just accessed the imap folder and checked the
> new message was there).
>         I googled a few post of people saying they put the imap folder in
> their "mailboxes" configuration and it worked, I don't know if I'm doing
> something wrong or if this has been pulled out (maybe a configuration
> variable I didn't find?).
>         Any thoughts?

Well, I've had a sporadic problem of my INBOX showing 0 new messages
in the mailboxes view.  I think the reason for this is the way I enter
the view on mutt startup.  That is, I have 'push
"<change-folder>?<toggle-mailboxes>"' at the end of my .muttrc.  This
means mutt starts up in the index of INBOX before moving to the
mailboxes browser, thus marking the messages as "new but seen", I
think.  I had been meaning to write a patch to allow better
new/unread/read index items, but never made much headway, due, I
think, to insufficient familiarity with the mutt source code.


Allister MacLeod <amacleod@xxxxxxxx> | http://amacleod.is-a-geek.org/
 Elen síla lúmenn'omentielvo.