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Re: set editor, switching from vim to emacs

* Allister MacLeod <amacleod@xxxxxxxx> [Tue, Nov 18, 2003 at 06:16:12PM -0500]:
> (I'm going to repost this back to the list, in case the following
> folder-hook info might be useful to more people)

Yes, thanks for that. It belongs to here.

> > > need to CC me when replying.  Usually it's a safe bet that if someone
> > > wants to be carbon copied on list replies, they'll say so in their
> > > Reply-To: or Mail-Followup-To: header.
> > Yes of course, sorry for that. I realize now an advantage of
> > emacslient, I can see your mail headers in the other aterm :)

The Problem is, when subscribing to a list the mutt mailing_lists
directive has to be extended, always forgotten by me. When remembering
the "L" it complains "No mailing lists found" so I got use to these
CCing the ml itself by hand...

> emacs window, leaving mutt in the xterm by itself.  The only problem I
> had with it was when the emacs window ended up far enough away from my
> pointer that mouse-focus took a non-negligible amount of effort. :)

Yes, I use highly keyboard usable pekwm, so thats not the big deal
here change focus coordinated with keyboard... not yet.

BTW, I read in #emacs that emacslient in cvs can have gnuclient

> Don't worry about it, at least in this case :-)  I just wanted to
> point it out, once I realized that you had posted to the list as
> well.

Yes, OK :)

> What I do is use a folder-hook.  That is, I sort all mailing-list mail
> into separate folders (using procmail).  Then, in my .muttrc I have:

Here also...

> just shorten it down to 'folder-hook LISTS ...' to catch all of my

But this requires maintained LISTs file, doesn't it?

> mail, but as far as I know it does not do this.  Perhaps a patch is in
> order :)

Highly needed!

> Of course. :^) I'm not certain, but I think that emacs starts up
> slightly faster in non-graphical mode.  At any rate, I think both are

I meant, a beast to become familyar with. And when coming from vim
this ESC key has to be avoided by all mental power. Or removed for a
time... Thats because I am considering using emacs. And syntax
highlightning has to rock in console, because I am a aterm/xterm geek
(mutt, slrn, emacs -nw, irssi, centericq and all that stuff) :)

Regards, Konsti

Konstantin Kletschke <konsti@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <konsti@xxxxxxxxx>
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