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Re: Cycling through folders

* Patrick Shanahan <WideGlide@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> [2003-11-16 16:06]:
> * Colin J. Raven <me@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [11-16-03 09:57]:
> > * Phil!Gregory <phil_g@xxxxxxxxx> [2003-11-16 15:49]:
> > > * Colin J. Raven <me@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [2003-11-16 13:07 +0100]:
> > > > mailboxes =+Maildir =+IN.mutt =+IN.postfix
> > > 
> > > Both '=' and '+' are shortcuts for your base mail directory.  Use one or
> > > the other, but not both.  Examples from my mutt config:
> > > 
> > > set folder=~/mail
> > > set postponed=+postponed
> > > mailboxes =lists/mutt-users
> > > 
> > > I usually use the equals sign, but I use plus when assigning variables,
> > > because they already have an equals for the variable assignment.
> > 
> > <scratching head in puzzlement>
> > Err...OK....I guess
> The example given could also be:
>   set postponed==postponed
> set [define a variable]
> postponed [the variable]
> = [make the assignment]
> = [first character of the assignment, mutt's indication of the ~/mail
>                folder]
> postponed [the rest of the assignment, =postponed, the directory
>                ~/mail/postponed]
> Does this make it clearer for you or did I mis-understand?

Not that much clearer unfortunately. It isn't your fault, what
you wrote would be clear to someone who better understand mutt, or 
wasn't so tired. I've been banging away on mutt since early early early 
this morning and I'm about seeing double now. I'll re-read what you 
wrote after dinner to see if walking away from my terminal for an hour 
or so makes a difference.

Thanks for the response and explanation!!!!!

Kind Regards & thanks,