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Newbie configuration - getting email (POP3)

Howdy all.

First, I am fairly new to Unix (so don't assume I know how to do
everything, and I will probably ask stupid questions).
I have installed Mutt on both my Cygwin (WinXP) and my RedHat 9 box.

Mutt 1.4.1i

After I get email working, I will want to get Mutt to work with NNTP as

I have read through the manual (sections that seemed relevant).

Here is some sections of my .muttrc file:
# This is from:
# http://www.linuxnovice.org/main_software.php3?VIEW=VIEW&t_id=146
# http://www.linuxnovice.org/main_software.php3?VIEW=VIEW&t_id=164

# Mail Folder
# I failed to mention, however, that I had to create the "Inbox",
"Unsent", and 
# "Sent" mailboxes with the command touch [mailboxname]
set folder = ~/Mail     # Directory that contains all mail files
set spoolfile = +Inbox  # Default spoolfile
set mbox = +Inbox       # Where mail is appended to from spoolfile
set mbox_type = mbox    # Type of mail files
set postponed = +Unsent # Where to save postponed mail
set copy = yes          # Save copies of outgoing mail?
set record = +Sent      # Where to save copies of outgoing mail 

# Personal options
set hostname = "fishburn-t30.sybase.com"
set realname = "David Fishburn"
set signature = ~/sig.txt

# Prune the headers!
ignore *                        # Ignore all header info
unignore subject         
unignore to 
unignore from: 
unignore date
unignore CC

hdr_order Date: From: To: CC: Subject: 

# Mailboxes
# The "mailboxes" variable will tell Mutt what mailboxes can receive
mail and 
# where Mutt should check for new messages. You can cycle through these 
# mailboxes by pressing the space bar after changing folders. This
allows you 
# to keep an eye on certain mailboxes for new mail. *Note: Mutt will not
# mail in these folders; you will need something like Procmail to do
mailboxes =Inbox
mailboxes =Mailing-Lists/Kickstart-list 
mailboxes =Mailing-Lists/LinuxWorld 
mailboxes =Mailing-Lists/PPA-Devel
mailboxes =Mailing-Lists/PPA-Users
mailboxes =Mailing-Lists/RPM-list

# POP3
# If you want to use Mutt as a POP3 mail client...:
set pop_host =waterloomail1.sybase.com
set pop_user =fishburn
set pop_pass =######
set pop_delete =no      # Save mail on server or not

I am using Mutt to download to my Unix both a second copy of my mail, so
I want it to keep these mails on the server.

With the above configuration, I can download all my POP email and read
My inbox is ~/Mail/Inbox

If I get my email again, I will download all the email over again (very

So the docs tell us not to use Mutt to get POP, but to use fetchmail.
So I setup fetchmail:
set logfile /var/log/fetchmail.log
set invisible
set no bouncemail

poll "waterloomail1.sybase.com"
protocol pop3
username "fishburn"
password "#######"
mda "/usr/bin/procmail -d %T"


This is where I run into problems.
This puts my email into /var/spool/mail/fishburn.
How do I get fetchmail to put my email into the same account as what
Mutt is expecting above ~/Mail/Inbox.

Further reading indicates I need to use procmail to do this.
I was hoping I could just tell fetchmail to put it over there directly,
since I don't need any filtering (at this point).
If I do have to use procmail, can anyone suggest a simple .procmailrc
file to set this up.  I have had a horrible time finding examples for
