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Re: folder view shows no mail

On Sat, Oct 11, 2003 at 12:06:56PM -0400, Michael W. Oliver wrote:
> Watch the wrap on this (it is one line in my muttrc)...
> mailboxes `find  ~/Maildir -type d -name "\.*" -print | sed -e
> 's/\/home\/michael\/Maildir\///g' | while IFS= read line; do echo -n
> "!\"${line}\" "; done`

Or if you have a small number of mailboxes that you know in advance,
you might want to do something like:

mailbox ! =spam =fish.red =fish.blue

This works well for me, using Courier IMAP.  ...  

Incidentally, I'm sort of trying to make a patch to mutt to allow some
more format strings for the folder format of the mailbox view.  For
instance, show read/unread/new message totals, instead of just new.
I've been looking into the source code in my spare time..  It may take
some doing, but if I come up with anything good, I'll post it to the
mutt-dev list.
