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Re: Make unread the same as new

Naitik --

As you have by now probably determined, mark_old is purely for the status
of messages within a mailbox and not at all for a mailbox itself.

...and then Naitik Shah said...
% On Mon, Oct 13, 2003 at 12:52:56AM +0200, benoit wrote:
% > Message de Naitik Shah, le dimanche 12 octobre :
% > > Is there a way to make mutt treat all unread mail as new
% > > mail? What I need is for mutt to show me folders with unread
% > > mail when i use 'c'.

% > the answer is no, as mutt compares acces time and modification time to
% Or is it possible for mutt to show the number of unread
% messages in a mailbox when i do 'c-tab-tab'?

Nope.  Imagine how long it would take to go through a few hundred
megabytes of mail folder just to tell you how many messages are in there
every time you wanted to look at a folder list.

This has been discussed numerous times on the list; check the archives.

If I really cared about seeing new mail status for mbox files I might
whip up a macro that

  - syncs the folder
  - toggles read-only
  - sleeps for one second
  - uses touch to bumpthe modification time
  - calls change-folder to present your list of targets

in the hope that writing and then setting read-only would set the access
time and then not reset it so that the touch really works.  Of course,
I'd probably test it by hand with two shells running to try the premise,
too :-)

% Naitik.


David T-G                      * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) davidtg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) davidtgwork@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  -- Mary Baker Eddy, "Science and Health"
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