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Re: arbitrary header info in index_format?

Hughes, et al --

...and then Hugues said...
%       Hi there :)

Hi to you, too!

% En ce beau mardi 09 septembre, =E0 18 heures 12, Mike Arrison a racont=E9 :
% Mike> Mutters,
% Mike>     Is it possible to have things other than those listed in 'man
% Mike>     muttrc' in my index_format line?  For instance, SpamAssassin puts a
% Lol, I'm  just playing with  this powerful tool, and  searched exactly
% for the same result as above these last days !
% The  real solution  is simply  to edit  your ~/.spamassassin/user_conf
% file as follows in order to add a customised header tag like this ::
%      ________________
%      rewrite_subject  1
%      subject_tag      [SPAM] _HITS_ Pts;
%      ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

Gaaaah!  No; that's the worst.  The first thing I do when I set up SA is
to edit my user_prefs file to say

  # some other settings to not mess with the msg body   :-D
  rewrite_subject 0
  report_header 1
  defang_mime 0

and then, for good measure,

  # *s are tough to pattern-match
  spam_level_char !

so that I can have procmail handle things for me without having to slash
everything to pieces, so to speak.

Please don't mangle your Subject: field!  Add another header instead;
that's what headers are for.


David T-G                      * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) davidtg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) davidtgwork@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  -- Mary Baker Eddy, "Science and Health"
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/      Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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