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Re: making mutt play nice with gpg-agent

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Thomas Roessler wrote:
> What version of mutt are you using to test things?  gpg-agent
> support is buggy in *all* released versions, but should work in the
> CVS.

OK, I built mutt from CVS and I still think I must be missing something.

Here's the simple muttrc I used for the tests:

$ cat ~/.mutt/muttrc 
set pgp_timeout=0
set pgp_use_gpg_agent
set pgp_autosign
set dotlock_program=/tmp/mutt_dotlock

My gpg-agent.conf file is similarly spartan:

$ cat ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf 
default-cache-ttl 60

GPG_AGENT_INFO is definitely getting exported and using gpg from the command
line works as expected.  However, mutt still insists on prompting for a
passphrase.  I tried commenting out the pgp_timeout setting, but I still get
a prompt and then mutt simply uses the default timeout of 300 seconds.

What am I missing?  I'm thinking that if I have pgp_use_gpg_agent set and an
agent running I shouldn't see a passphrase prompt at all from mutt, I should
see one from gpg-agent's pinentry-program when a passphrase is needed.

I don't see anything in TFM other than the pgp_use_gpg_agent setting that
references gpg-agent.  If there are more docs somewhere about using the
agent with mutt, let me know.

Is there something special I need to set gpg-agent's pinentry-program to?
I've left it at the default, which is /usr/bin/pinentry (which is a symlink
to /usr/bin/pinentry-gtk).  The gpg-agent docs say that it will fall back to
the curses version if the gtk version can't be run.

Do I need to use something other than the default gpg.rc?


- -- 
Todd              OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xD654075A | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
Despite the high cost of living, it remains a popular item.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: When crypto is outlawed bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl.
