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Re: Configuring sendmail on Mac OS X (Leopard)?

Peter Davis <pfd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Ok, I've done all this, but my outgoing messages still disappear, and 
> the log still says:
> Sep  6 00:19:46 PFD-Studio-Mac postfix/smtp[4605]: connect to 
> relay.pair.com[]: Operation timed out (p
> ort 25)

Have you checked your pair.com email in the last 90 minutes?  Instead of 
proper SMTP AUTH, they appear to be using some pop-before-smtp setup, so 
you have to check your pair.com email from (your IP) 
before trying to connect to relay.pair.com.

Just a guess, but perhaps the reason you can relay via pair.com SMTP 
servers from the office is because pair associates your work IP with your 
pair account.

Sahil Tandon <sahil@xxxxxxxxxx>