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Re: query with sent messages folder?

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Thanks so much for the help and tips. I'll take it all on board.

Since my messages, another thought occurred to me. Again forgive me if it seems i'm asking silly questions, but what i've picked up so far has only been what i've found on the web;

As i'm using the fastmail smtp server, do i need to have a sent items/ sentmail file for mutt? or will these messages automatically be saved on the server anyway (that does seem to be be happening already)? It just seems that i will end up with a large files of messages on system that i may not need.

And bearing that in mind - is it safe to just delete them if i do need to keep a sent file for messages sent using MUTT?

On 4 Dec 2007, at 14:18, Rado S wrote:

=- Jamie Griffin wrote on Tue  4.Dec'07 at  6:40:29 +0000 -=

I have picked bits up from others' that have been put on the web and by using the mutt.org site too.

set postponed=+Drafts
set folder="imaps://mail.messagingengine.com/INBOX"

The order for "folder" matters.

set folder="~/mail"
set mbox=+Inbox
mailboxes =Inbox

Not sure whether you understand what you do with "folder" here

The number and my name which was/is appended to the file does look
as though it could be the local hostname the system thinks i have
(again not certain), and i have looked in some of the files and
there are copies of messages i've written. But the situation with
the editor you mentioned seems likely.

There are also some random bits in the name. See the source if you
really need to know.

=- Kyle Wheeler wrote on Tue  4.Dec'07 at  1:40:05 -0600 -=

I know it's daunting, but I personally recommend going through the
entire man page and filling out a full muttrc. It's educational
(you find out just what kinds of cool tricks you can do with
mutt), and makes your configuration more portable (you don't rely
on having the defaults stay the same).

Jamie, please please PLEASE do so.
Have a look at the wiki, too.
Especially the MuttGuide / Folders section, also the faq.

© Rado S. -- You must provide YOUR effort for your goal!
EVERY effort counts: at least to show your attitude.
You're responsible for ALL you do: you get what you give.

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