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Re: query with sent messages folder?

=- Jamie Griffin wrote on Tue  4.Dec'07 at  6:40:29 +0000 -=

> I have picked bits up from others' that have been put on the web and by using 
> the mutt.org site too.
> set postponed=+Drafts
> set folder="imaps://mail.messagingengine.com/INBOX"

The order for "folder" matters.

> set folder="~/mail"
> set mbox=+Inbox
> mailboxes =Inbox

Not sure whether you understand what you do with "folder" here

> The number and my name which was/is appended to the file does look
> as though it could be the local hostname the system thinks i have
> (again not certain), and i have looked in some of the files and
> there are copies of messages i've written. But the situation with
> the editor you mentioned seems likely.

There are also some random bits in the name. See the source if you
really need to know.

=- Kyle Wheeler wrote on Tue  4.Dec'07 at  1:40:05 -0600 -=

> I know it's daunting, but I personally recommend going through the
> entire man page and filling out a full muttrc. It's educational
> (you find out just what kinds of cool tricks you can do with
> mutt), and makes your configuration more portable (you don't rely
> on having the defaults stay the same).

Jamie, please please PLEASE do so.
Have a look at the wiki, too.
Especially the MuttGuide / Folders section, also the faq.

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