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Re: Problem in mutt editor, not in less

On Mon, Dec 11, 2006 at 11:06:26PM +0100, Alain Bench wrote :
>  On Sunday, December 10, 2006 at 16:33:22 +0100, Bruno Delalleau wrote:
> > locale -a | grep fr_FR gives only fr_FR.utf8

> Please double check:
> | $ printf "d\0303\0251sabonner \0275uf\n"
> | désabonner œuf
printf "d\0303\0251sabonner \0275uf\n" gives

désabonner ½uf

BUT I have reconfigure my locales:

locale -a | grep fr_FR gives now:


>  - If you still see "e accent aigu": It's UTF-8.
>  - If you see "A tilde", copyright sign, and oeuf: Latin-9.
>  - If you see "1/2" symbol: Latin-1.
>     You see those \351 in some mails, but not all (not in my mails?), right?

I don't see any \351 in your mails. 

May I conclude that now it is OK for me?

> > I will make a dpkg-reconfigure locales
>     Generate at least 2 more variants with ISO-8859-1 and ISO-8859-15:
> You'll be ready for most common terminals.

I will read the links that you send me and keep you informed if I
still get some problem.

> Bye!  Alain.
> -- 
> Everything about locales on Sven Mascheck's excellent site at new
> location <URL:http://www.in-ulm.de/~mascheck/locale/>. The little tester
> utility is at <URL:http://www.in-ulm.de/~mascheck/locale/checklocale.c>.
Thanks to all of you! I appreciate your availability and your

A bientôt, See you soon.

Bruno Delalleau
Debian Sarge user
Linux since 1998