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Re: Using mutt with remote IMAP and local mailboxes

On Tue, Jun 15, 2004 at 11:05:47AM +0200, Mads Laursen wrote:
> On 15/06/04 08.37, Chris Green wrote:
> > On Tue, Jun 15, 2004 at 02:52:50AM +0200, Jens Paulus wrote:
> > > Hi Chris,
> > > 
> > > On Tue, Jun 15, 2004 at 02:38:38 +0200, Jens Paulus wrote:
> > > > local messages locally or saving tagged local messages remotely. Just
> > > > press "s" and enter =foldername to saving locally or
> > > > imaps://login@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/ for saving remotely. The common mailbox
> > > 
> > > of cource, you also need the tag-prefix. Press ";s" to save all the
> > > tagged messages.
> > > 
> > I've been having problems with my mailing list mail so haven't seen
> > all the thread.  However, the above doesn't give me what I want
> > really.  Having to enter =/foldername is non-trivial in my case
> > because my folder hierarchy is up to three levels deep.  When I save
> > mail in my current hierarchy I just about never enter a folder name, I
> > always navigate there using the cursor keys (or actually more likely
> > h,j,k,l).  Having to enter a long destination folder name is not
> > 'easy' as far as I'm concerned.
> Try entering '~/' at the save prompt, and press <TAB> twice. That
> should give you a folder view. You also have tab-completion. All you
> really need to do, is enter enough of the destination to disambiguate
> where you wish to browse from. In my book that counts as 'easy'.
Surely that's not going to work when I'm trying to save from an IMAP
folder to a local folder as they're on different hierarchies.  That's
the whole problem, I want a simple way of transferring a message from
(say) the remote IMAP hierarchy to the same place in the local

Essentially what I want is 'offline working' for individual messages.

> When in the folder view try pressing '?' to see the list of bound
> keys. Especially useful is 'N' for creating new files (if you quit the
> browser without selecting a destination you are placed where you began
> your browsing, and your text prompt is set to delete your current
> entry (moving back and forth or tabbing once or something else other
> than typing something printable should fix that)).
Yes, I use all those short-cuts and I'm familiar with them but they
don't address the problem with two 'homes' as it were.

Chris Green (chris@xxxxxxxxxxx)