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Re: Using mutt with remote IMAP and local mailboxes

On Tue, Jun 15, 2004 at 02:52:50AM +0200, Jens Paulus wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> On Tue, Jun 15, 2004 at 02:38:38 +0200, Jens Paulus wrote:
> > local messages locally or saving tagged local messages remotely. Just
> > press "s" and enter =foldername to saving locally or
> > imaps://login@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/ for saving remotely. The common mailbox
> of cource, you also need the tag-prefix. Press ";s" to save all the
> tagged messages.
I've been having problems with my mailing list mail so haven't seen
all the thread.  However, the above doesn't give me what I want
really.  Having to enter =/foldername is non-trivial in my case
because my folder hierarchy is up to three levels deep.  When I save
mail in my current hierarchy I just about never enter a folder name, I
always navigate there using the cursor keys (or actually more likely
h,j,k,l).  Having to enter a long destination folder name is not
'easy' as far as I'm concerned.

Chris Green (chris@xxxxxxxxxxx)