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Re: [OT] Sendmail vs. Exim, and SMTP Advice

On Mon, Jun 14, 2004 at 03:51:41AM -0400, David Yitzchak Cohen wrote:
> > There have been some false positives so far, and I'm glad
> > I did not discard them. But others do.
> I've had zero false positives, but that's because my SPAM detector is
> template-based, and with my conservative templates, I don't expect to
> ever have a false positive.  The only downside is that my filter doesn't
> block much more than about half the SPAM.  I'm hoping to fix that someday
> (when the remaining SPAM bothers me enough) by autogenerating identity
> templates from a spamcatcher addy.
I use some *very* simple procmail recipes, hardly 'spam detection' but
it detects way more than 50%, the main item is simply regarding
anything bcc'ed to me as junk.  I really don't understand the need for
'clever' spam detection, a collection of very simple and obvious
procmail recipes works so well that I see no need for trying to detect
the last few percent.

Chris Green (chris@xxxxxxxxxxx)