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Re: <shell-escape>... [user input]<other-commands>

On 07:52 14 Jun 2004, Graham Williams <Graham.Williams@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
| Is it possible to have a macro with a <shell-escape> that accepts some
| user input to add to the command line, and then continue with some
| other mutt functions?  I'm trying to wrap up into one macro a search
| using mairix and then showing the results immediately, something like:
| macro index S \
| "<shell-escape>mairix XXXX<enter><change-folder-readonly>+Search<enter>" 
| My mairix search places the results into +Search. 
| I want the XXXX to be obtained in the same way as
| "<shell-escape>mairix " would do it - i.e., allow the user to input
| the XXXX before moving on to the result of the mutt functions in the
| macro?

This doesn't answer your question (I think mutt doesn't do what you want,
btw) but I always run mairix from the command line. I've got a script
called "++" that runs mairix generating a fresh folder, runs up mutt on
it readonly in a window, and discards the folder when that mutt quits.

        $ ++ blah blah foo

Just a thought.

Cameron Simpson <cs@xxxxxxxxxx> DoD#743

They call me a bummer and a gin-sop,too....but what care I for praise!
        - Bob Dylan.   "The days of '49"