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Re: mutt claiming that gpg signatures aren't verified

G'day Christoph,

* Christoph Berg <cb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [031024 13:59]:
> I can't find your key on the keyservers. Could you upload it to
> wwwkeys.pgp.net or one of the local servers?

I'm getting slightly sick of this...

 1) Look at my headers, I use the X-Request-PGP header.
 2) Use a proper key server. pgp.com and pgp.net suck.  They trash
    keys.  Try
      gpg -v --keyserver keyserver.kjsl.com --recv-key 35DB7472
 3) It's a subkey.  The old keyservers don't search on subkeys, but
    AFAIK subkeys are allowed within the standard, so I'm going to
    keep using them.

I'm sorry for appearing grumpy about this, but too many people are
still using the old, crappy keyservers.  We yell at people for using
mutt 1.2, so the same applies with the keyservers.

Try one of the following for your normal usage:


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Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature