Re: What's needed for mutt 1.6?
* Brendan Cully [07-02-28 14:13:53 -0800] wrote:
We just need to make sure that eg asciidoc does what mutt needs. No
more than that, I think.
But first, I think we need a consensus what mutt actually needs. Even
with asciidoc, for pretty single/chunked documents I think we'd have to
rely on the DocBook toolchain anyway.
As a start, I give just two examples of what I think the manual needs.
1) We need an index. I see myself often opening the manual in vim, going
back to the end and searching backwards for a varname to find the
definition in the reference. When I have a terminal open I even mostly
go with init.h since it so much easier to find something than in the
2) Related to 1), I think we need custom macros (asciidoc or DocBook),
to semantically identify certain things and always have the same layout.
For example, when referencing $pgp_mime_signature_description, we now
have to write:
I you ask me, this is totally insane.
I am open to any kind of solution with which we can simply say
'I want to refer to variable $foo"' and that's it.
For DocBook, I've already some results adding an intermediate XML layer
which can contain DocBook already so we don't have to reinvent
everything from scratch.
Some reasoning:
The patch:
I can also put few my asciidoc results somewhere if someone is
bye, Rocco