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Re: [for 1.5.6] include mutt-thread patch

On Wednesday, 17 May 2006 at 14:09, Michael Tatge wrote:
> Since the mutt-thread patch came up on mutt-users recently. Christoph
> Berg and I thought this is a good time to ask for inclusion. Currently
> he's in Mexico on Debconf and his net access is a little unstable so he
> asked me to go forward with this. 
> The patch let's you select whole treads by matching a single message in
> a thread. For example: ~(~P) selects all threads you committed to.
> More complex patterns are possible though they take a little time.
> I'm using the patch for quite a while now and it's been absolutely
> stable. It would be a great improvement because frankly the feature
> just rocks :)
> For instance you can easyly match all threads concerning closed PRs in
> mutt-dev: ~(~B open->closed)
> The latest version of the patch can be found at:
> http://www.df7cb.de/projects/mutt/thread_pattern/patch-1.5.11+CVS.tg.mutt-thread.3

I think it's a good feature, but I'm reluctant to commit without
Thomas' opinion on the performance impact.

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