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Re: Mutt Next Generation

    Hi, Thomas Roessler!

Sometime (on Friday, January 28 at 11:24) I've received something...

>> All of this is fine by me since I don't care one iota about NNTP,
>> but if mutt were my project, I would have to ask myself, is that
>> really the right decision for mutt and its users?  Does that
>> decision make mutt suck more or less?

>Mutt sucks less than much of the competition when used as an e-mail

>As a news client, it would suck more than much of the competition,

>That is, including NNTP makes mutt suck more.

Why? Rise your arguments, please. :)

For last years many of my friends use Mutt for news reading. They tried
other news clients but found Mutt very useful with it's good encodings
support and flex/tunable keybindings so they don't have to remember two
different keys for the same in two different programs, and even more,
they have ability to forward news articles via good full-featured mail
reader to your friends and vise versa - without NNTP support you have to
save articles/letters to files and then start mutt/slrn and so on. So
with NNTP in Mutt it suck less. :)

    Just my 2 cents. :)
    With best wishes.