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Re: Mutt Next Generation

* On 2005.01.28, in <20050128092336.GD13946@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
*       "Thomas Roessler" <roessler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> As a news client, it would suck more than much of the competition,

I don't mean to beat a dead horse, but I haven't seen this reason for
rejecting the NNTP patch before, so I'll put this on record. Mutt is
the least distressing newsreader I've used in a long time, and trn 3
(the only less distressing reader) doesn't compile on my system anymore.
(AFAIK, nobody's even maintaining trn 4 anymore, and that's a far cry
from 3.)

For example, I really can't stand slrn, despite everyone's claims that
it's just like mutt, only for news. Part of the reason for that distaste
is that it's somewhat like mutt, but not that much. This is frustrating.
Honestly I'd rather use something completely different than something
much alike but different in lots of small ways. I'm speaking in terms of
how I as a user interact with the software.

I take advantage of mutt's unique features and behavior while reading
news, and I'm most comfortable sharing the same interface. Not similar,

I guess this argument just doesn't make much sense to me. Isn't the
reason people want NNTP in mutt that they find it sucks less than the
competition? It is for me.

It's extremely tempting to copy my newsfeed into maildirs, and to put
those maildirs on an IMAP server in #public, so that I can read them
comfortably without depending on a big patch. But I'd hate to see the
patch die, so I'll save this as a next-to-last resort. The last resort
is a realtime IMAP-NNTP gateway, because I don't have that much coding
time in my life.

For other mutt+NNTP users: It's a tremendous PITA to keep all the
various patches I use on mutt alongside the NNTP patch across many
updates, since NNTP is so extensive. I've taken to patching mutt with
NNTP and whatever other patches I count on, and designating that my
newsreading copy of mutt. I don't update it as often as my mailreading
copy -- it lags several versions behind the binary I use for mail. This
is acceptable, mostly because I don't read a lot of news. It saves me
from a lot of time spent resolving patch conflicts.

 -D.    dgc@xxxxxxxxxxxx                                  NSIT::ENSS