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Re: Mutt Next Generation

    Hi, Thomas Roessler!

Sometime (on Wednesday, January 26 at 13:48) I've received something...
>On 2005-01-26 12:40:48 +0100, Mads Martin Joergensen wrote:

>> > * nntp
>> > * smtp
>> > * header cache
>> > * Florian Weimer's optimizations.

>>> Personally, I don't think mutt should include either an NNTP or
>>> an SMTP client (but maybe I'm old-fashioned).  And I'm skeptic
>>> about header-caching maildirs.

>> But how about making them compiletime options then? 

>Making them compile time options still means that you have the
>additional complexity and have to maintain the.  I'd rather not do

    As developer of wide-known NNTP extension for the Mutt I'd say that
me and Vsevolod Volkov will support that feature forth. :)

    With best wishes.