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Re: Mutt Next Generation

Hi Werner,

On Thu, Jan 27, 2005 at 15:54:55 +0100, Werner Koch wrote:
> Although I don't think that an SMTP AUTH password is really sensible
> data (its only use is to avoid open relays), it should be pretty easy
> to add asking for a password to those tools.  Either by piping it as
> done with the crypto tools or by tweaking them to make use of pinentry
> (ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/pinentry).  Mutt would only need a hook to allow
> refreshing the screen in case of a curses based pinentry.

On our mail-server we use the same password as the Unix account for SMTP
AUTH, since we don't want to manage two different password databases
(and explain the users that there are different passwords, what commands
to use for each one, etc.).

Having the external program prompt for the password and refresh the
screen would still have the problem that the password must be asked
every time, whereas mutt could cache it (like PGP).

David Schweikert        | phone: +41 44 632 7019
System manager ISG.EE   | walk:  ETH Zentrum, ETL F24.1
ETH Zurich, Switzerland | web:   http://people.ee.ethz.ch/dws