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Re: The danger of macros (was Re: ^R / ^D and threads)

On Tue, Nov 11, 2003 at 11:25:24PM -0500, Allister MacLeod wrote:

> I agree.  It's much easier to compose "mark" and "next" into a macro
> than it is to second-guess and defeat half of the work of
> "mark-then-next".  Of course, no one likes to write in assembly
> language all the time.  Perhaps a good solution would be to have
> atomic actions, and convenient default aliases for macros that could
> be used as arguments to "bind".

Personally, I like the idea of a new "define" command that lets you
define a new function in terms of other functions.  (Since functions
take no arguments, implementation should be rather trivial.)  Many of
the common actions can be predefined in the default muttrc.  This way,
you get all the power of atomic actions, and all the convenience of
bloatware, along with a default bloatsuite :-)

> Good point about the danger of assuming that nothing is tagged yet in
> your macro.  Having only "toggle" versions of some commands/functions
> exacerbates this problem yet further.  Yet another reason mutt-guile
> strikes me as a good idea. (http://amacleod.is-a-geek.org/mutt-guile/)

If the underlying language weren't Scheme, I'd probably be running it
by now.  I tend to prefer the approach of turning Mutt into a user-level
fileserver (Plan9-style - I really like a lot of aspects of that system).
That way, you can use plain ordinary UNIX commands to fool with your mail.
(Imagine cp(1)ing a message from one folder to another, for instance.)
Obviously, you'll want a bunch of utility programs (like formail) to
help out with tasks like making replies, etc.  (Another neat option
is to simply vi(1) the /reply file within the message.  Note that in
Plan9's mail, you can access the MIME parts of a message by accessing
files inside it as if it were a directory.  There's no reason why replies
can't be implemented the same way.)  However, since we're hooking our mail
up to the UNIX system instead of building our own system just for mail,
we gain the ability to write scripts/modules/addons/etc. in ANY language
that we have a compiler/interpreter for, provided it can do useful stuff
(e.g. fork(2) and exec(2) programs, unlink(2) files, etc.).  Embedding a
scripting language doesn't seem like the "right" solution to me.

 - Dave

Uncle Cosmo, why do they call this a word processor?
It's simple, Skyler.  You've seen what food processors do to food, right?

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