Re: Which spam filter do you use?
* Christian Kuka <ckuka@xxxxxxxxxxx> [2007-10-05 07:56]:
> I also read from a scanner called "crm114" in the linux magazine that
> should be realy good, but never checked that.
I use OSBF-Lua[1] which is a port of CRM114. It's a Bayesian classifier
which uses a more sophisticated algorithm than Bogofilter and others,
and which indeed performs even better than Bogofilter for me, regarding
both classification accuracy and speed. It gives me a global accuracy
of about 99.9% (about 1 out of 1000 e-mails are misclassified). Also,
it learns a lot quicker than Bogofilter, usually there's no need to do
any pre-training[2]. And it has far less configuration knobs to play
with, which is also good :-) It just works out-of-the-box.
I put the Mutt (1.5.x) macros I use for training online: