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Which spam filter do you use?

I've been using bogofilter ever since I first installed KDE/Kmail and the
potentially hassle-free configuration of SpamAssassin led to constant
crashes. I belive it has been solved by now, and in any case Kmail is
ancient history, but I was wondering what experiences the list people
have with various filters.

>From what I've read, bogo is quicker than the other contenders, but
lets more spam through. While the speed was a concern in Kmail, since
the filtering was done in the app itself, which meant that it was
unresponsive for a while while the filtering was going on, that is not
so much of a concern now, when that is taken care of by procmail. That
leaves me with c. 10-15 spam mails a day that slip through (out of c.

So, should I switch? I'm quite happy with bogo, especially with the
current setup with some macros I borrowed from an article in linux
journal (I think it was), but I would very much like to hear what your
experiences are in this respect.


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  -- The Stolen Journals