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Re: Generate Reply / New Mail in new shell session

On 04.10.2007 (13:13), Gary Johnson wrote:
> On 2007-10-04, David Champion <dgc@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > $ cat external-reply
> > #!/bin/sh
> > DRAFT="$1"
> > # hard-link our own copy of the draft so that mutt can remove original
> > ln "$DRAFT" "$DRAFT.tmp"
> I don't think that will work.  I think you'll need to copy it.  The 
> reason is that mutt overwrites its temporary files with zeros before 
> unlinking them.

I can confirm that it doesn't work. The new xterm flashes over the
screen for a splitsecond, but then it's gone, and the original mutt
window behaves as if the mail has been written, ready to be sent.


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