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Setting Bcc in muttrc with send-hook

Dear all,

for quite a while I have been trying to automatically set the Bcc: in
my muttrc by a send-hook.  Without success.

Is there any viable solution?

My settings:

# Particular eMail-Addresses
send-hook \
) \
' \
unmy_hdr Reply-To ; \
unmy_hdr From ; \
unmy_hdr Organization ; \
unmy_hdr Bcc ; \
unmy_hdr X-ID ; \
unmy_hdr X-GPG ; \
unmy_hdr X-URL ; \
unmy_hdr X-Relay ; \
unset pgp_autosign ; \
my_hdr X-URL: http://www.rbacs.net ; \
my_hdr X-GPG: 0x81FCF845 ; \
set locale=de ; \
set sig_dashes ; \
set attribution="> %n <%a> [%(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M)]:\n>" ; \
my_hdr From: Lukas Ruf <lukas.ruf@xxxxxxxxx> ; \
my_hdr Reply-To: Lukas Ruf <lukas.ruf@xxxxxxxxx> ; \
set signature=~/Conf/Signatures/signature.rawip; \
set signoff="\nBeste Gruesse,\nLukas" ;\
my_hdr Bcc: lukas.ruf@xxxxxxxxx \

Strange for me: everything works except setting the Bcc: -- any idea why?

Thanks in advance for pointing me to the right RTFM -- if there is any
-- or for any hints on how to solve the problems.  Searching the web
has not revealed what I have been looking for....

Lukas Ruf   <http://www.lpr.ch> | Ad Personam
rbacs      <http://wiki.lpr.ch> | Restaurants, Bars and Clubs
Raw IP   <http://www.rawip.org> | Low Level Network Programming
Style  <http://email.rawip.org> | How to write emails
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