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Re: How do I come back from viewing the message to index?

Hello Derek,

 On Wednesday, August 9, 2006 at 0:24:58 -0400, Derek D. Martin wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 07, 2006 at 10:59:25PM +0200, Thomas Roessler wrote:
>> "q" in the pager is, among other things, consistent with more or
>> less.
> It isn't

    Or maybe what Thomas meant was:

 · With $pager=builtin, [q] exits from pager, back to index.

 · With $pager=less, [q] exits from pager, back to index.

> In less, 'q' exits the program

    Unless you're viewing the help page of less: Then a first [q] exits
from help, and a second [q] quits less.

    Such staged quitting model can be found nearly everywhere. It makes
full ergonomic sense, is frequently the one preferred by many or most
users, and as such is often the default model.

    It is also important to have available an immediate quit in one
step. This also makes full sense, and may be preferred by some users.
Such immediate quit should be available aside the main model, and
configurable to be the default model by whoever wishes.

    Mutt does all that.

> This is not consistent, nor is it intuitive, nor is it in any way
> logical... Quit should quit, not change the mode.

    You're just forgetting the existence of other behaviour models than
your preferred one.

 · <quit> does quit (Mutt).

 · <exit> does exit (from current menu to the previous one).

    By default the [q] key in pager is not bound. What [q] does there
is the generic <exit> function. You can use the uppercase [Q] key (bound
to <quit>) when appropriate. Or configure immediate quit as default
behaviour thru:

| bind pager    q       quit

    My own preference goes to a staged exit from everywhere, but never
quitting Mutt, bound on left arrow. With another key [q] doing staged
exit then real quit. And yet another key [x] doing staged exit then quit
without saving changes (an abandon key).

| bind generic  <Left>  exit
| macro index   <Left>  "<change-folder>?<toggle-mailboxes>"    "open Mailboxes 
| bind pager    <Left>  exit

    Thus <Left> progressively goes out of any submenus, but at top level
begins to toggle between mailboxes browser and current index. That's
convenient to take a quick look at new mailboxes, and renders
inadvertent quitting impossible. The [q] key does already do what
I want. But [x] needs this addition:

| bind generic  x       exit

    Hum... In fact I'd like that in compose, [q] exits prompting for
postponing, while [x] exits losing composed mail without prompting.
Well, I'd also like that in pager, [x] exits to index restoring the
previous new/old/read status of the selected mail. But I believe that's
not possible?

    BTW I like quick one-key toggling, so have it also in other places.
Example I bound [&] to pipe raw message to less. And in lesskey, bound
[&] to quit less.

Bye!    Alain.
Messages are better readable when formated on 72 columns, word-wrapped
without justification.