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Re: send-hooks

> Something like this might do the trick for you:
> # remap 'r' to use list-reply for lists (<ESC>R does a private reply)
> folder-hook   . 'bind index r reply; bind index <ESC>R noop'
> message-hook ~A 'bind pager r reply; bind pager <ESC>R noop'
> message-hook ~A 'bind index r reply; bind index <ESC>R noop'
> message-hook ~l 'bind pager r list-reply; bind pager <ESC>R reply'
> message-hook ~l 'bind index r list-reply; bind index <ESC>R reply'

This gives me an excellent start and it almost works. When I open mutt
and press "r" on a regular message, it works as it worked before. But
"list-reply" works only on messages that are either from me and
addressed to a list or when I'm in the pager. After that, pressing "r"
on a regular message produces "No mailing lists found!" but "Escape R"
works fine in that case.

But regardless, thank you very much for the hint. It would have taken me
much longer to think about message-hook's and the bind command.

Thank you!