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Re: send-hooks

gerases@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> The one thing I still don't know how to do is this. When I get a message
> from a list, I, out of habit, press "r" to reply, whereas I should of
> course press "L" to reply to the list. Is there a way to map "r" to "L"
> when a message is from a list?

Something like this might do the trick for you:

# remap 'r' to use list-reply for lists (<ESC>R does a private reply)
folder-hook   . 'bind index r reply; bind index <ESC>R noop'
message-hook ~A 'bind pager r reply; bind pager <ESC>R noop'
message-hook ~A 'bind index r reply; bind index <ESC>R noop'
message-hook ~l 'bind pager r list-reply; bind pager <ESC>R reply'
message-hook ~l 'bind index r list-reply; bind index <ESC>R reply'

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xD654075A | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be
better to change the locks.
    -- Doug Larson

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