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Re: Mutt and mairix

* Gerhard Siegesmund on Sunday, May 07, 2006 at 23:40:12 +0200:
> I have to following line in my muttrc:
> macro index S "<shell-escape>rm -f /home/gerhard/mail/mairix/cur/*&<enter>

The purging is done by mairix automatically if I don't pass the
-a|--augment flag to mairix.

> <change-folder-readonly>=mairix\n<shell-escape>mairix " "Run a Mairix search"

Ah, interesting.

Strangely enough this only works here if either

a) the mfolder is populated before the query


b) I run $ mutt -F mairixmacro, where mairixmacro only contains
   the above macro.

Otherwise mutt's warning "There are no messages." seems to stop
the macro. If I have the time I'll look what
settings/folder-hooks of mine possibly trigger this.

Also, in case the mfolder is populated and I don't pass -a to
mairix, I get another warning (seems logical) that the mailbox
has changed while reading.

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