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Re: alternates, was: scrollbar is sluggish

Am 2005-12-14 16:11 -0500 schrieb Patrick Shanahan:

> disregard my previous post.  I should read more carefully before
> responding.  

shit happens, no problem ;)

> I believe your problem might be solved by changing alternates to:
> alternates 
> (konsti|lists)@ku-gbr.de|.*@ludenkalle.de|(konsti|kletschke|lists)@synertronixx.de

This line also works ok inspite of the fact it doesn't change the From:
when I answer to this mail for example. I am subscribed as
lists@xxxxxxxxxxxx It put konsti@xxxxxxxxx in and it is annoying since I
forget to change manually quite often.

> I only noticed the last instance of 'lists' and didn't notice that you
> were grouping addrs before the '@' sign.


*scratches head*

How do you people let your mutt determine you are answering to a mailing
list mail and it should take the ML subsribtion address into the From:?


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