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Re: scrollbar is sluggish

Quoting Konstantin Kletschke (lists@xxxxxxxxx):

> > That really sounds like a connection issue. Can you test to see if your
> > connection is 'full' while you read imap? Maybe the headercache is
> No, the connection is not full. The behaviour is permanent.

Rather strange.

> > downloading all headers or something.
> Even fetching ~100 headers should be finished after a while.

Yea, it should. And AFAIK mutt caches the headers while it sorts and
builds the message threads.

> > I've never had any problems like you described unless my connection was
> > full (upstream, downstream i barely notice).
> Connection Problem? What is the connection needed for when moving the
> scrollbar anyway? This is even more weird with hcache.

If mutt is the only tool which you notice this behaviour with, it's not
likely to be a connection problem. It's just plain weird.

Moving a scrollbar is like 4 bytes out and 1024 bytes in or something.
If mutt even does a full screen refresh on moving the selectionbar. I
don't know, but it's nothing spectacular...

Do you use ssh?
Disable ssh compression, take a different cipher...
Maybe you can try if the same behaviour occurs with telnet... Though
take care that you are in a trusted environment when testing that ;)

HTH, Regards,
| From the FidoNet tagline collection:
| STICK: A boomerang that doesn't work.
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