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mutt to show hi-bit chars once & for all?

This has been a problem for me for quite awhile, which I've never gotten
around to fixing properly, and if I can, I'd like to finally get to the
bottom of it.  (I know it's been discussed here recently, but I'm still
coming up blank):

mutt does not display high-bit characters for me, as I think it should.

vim is beautiful, because it does display the high-bit characters.

If I send myself an e-mail using mutt, composing it in vim, where I type
(for example) the letter "a" with an umlaut, and the letter "o" with an
umlaut, as I compose, I see these chars correctly with their umlauts in
vim.  But in mutt, I (as the recipient of the message, but also viewing
it in mutt before sending) see this:

       okay here's an "a" with an umlaut:


       and here's an "o" with an umlaut:


If I then hit "r" to respond, I am dropped into vim,
and I see this:

     12 >
     13 > okay here's an "a" with an umlaut:
     14 >
     15 >          ä     <-- ("a" w/umlaut is accurately shown in vim)
     16 >
     17 > and here's an "o" with an umlaut:
     18 >
     19 >          ö     <-- ("o" w/umlaut correctly shown in vim)
     20 >

How can I get this whole thing working properly?  What settings
do I need to adjust to make mutt display high-bit characters?

Current relevant settings:  In my muttrc:

      set config_charset="utf-8"

# Leave myself out of mails to a group:
      alternates "^rj@(.+\\.)?panix\\.com$"

# Never do Quoted-Printable encoding on 8-bit characters:
      set  allow_8bit

      set  charset="us-ascii:iso-8859-1:utf-8"
 set  send_charset="us-ascii:iso-8859-1:utf-8"

In my .zshenv:

# export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8      <--- ( commented-out )
export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8

Those are the only relevant settings I can think of
right now.

                         // rj@xxxxxxxxx //