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Re: New mail indicator does ont work. Where does mutt save flags etc?

Daniel Hertrich wrote:
> The "N" new mail indicator for my mailboxes (all mbox files) does not work
> properly.
> It appears after a mutt restart even when I have read all new mails and no
> mail is marked as new anymore.

Look at the setting of mark_old.  For example I set

  set nomark_old  # Don't mark unread new msgs as old.
  set move="no"   # Don't move to 'mbox'

in my ~/.muttrc file.

> OTOH, if I read all new mails in a mailbox and return to the mailbox menu,
> the N does not appear, at least for some mailboxes. Only mutt restart brings
> it back again.
> I have my mutt mailbox files (all mbox) on a vfat partition.
> I have filled some of the mailbox files (but not all) with mbox content
> before I started to use mutt.
> Anyone has an idea what the reason for this problem could be?

I think when you 'q'uit it should write the files with the new flags
to log that they are read.  But if you e'x'it then it will leave them
untouched.  If you are not using 'x' then I don't know.

> And: Where does mutt save meta data such as the mail flags, position in
> mailbox, sorting order etc.?

With mbox format the data will be in the message headers.  The order
of the messages in the mailbox is mailbox ordering but mutt usually
sorts then into threads (or date-received or whatever as configured).
You can try the 'o' command to interactively change the sort ordering.
