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New mail indicator does ont work. Where does mutt save flags etc?

Hello mutt-users,

The "N" new mail indicator for my mailboxes (all mbox files) does not work
It appears after a mutt restart even when I have read all new mails and no
mail is marked as new anymore.
OTOH, if I read all new mails in a mailbox and return to the mailbox menu,
the N does not appear, at least for some mailboxes. Only mutt restart brings
it back again.

I have my mutt mailbox files (all mbox) on a vfat partition.
I have filled some of the mailbox files (but not all) with mbox content
before I started to use mutt.

Anyone has an idea what the reason for this problem could be?

And: Where does mutt save meta data such as the mail flags, position in
mailbox, sorting order etc.?



Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Hertrich
Reichertshofen, Germany

5 GB Mailbox, 50 FreeSMS http://www.gmx.net/de/go/promail
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